‘Kill your darlings’ finissage & SUMMER STUDIO SALE

(original invite, rescheduling etc. below)
It took some rescheduling due to flu and covid, but I am all better now and am excited to invite you to the finissage of ‘Kill your darlings’ at Foundation B.a.d in Rotterdam.
Until Sunday 25 August my series ‘Kill your darlings’ is on show in the B.a.d window gallery. On that final Sunday, I will host a finissage AND a Summer Studio Sale!
In the central hall of B.a.d I have made a presentation of some of my older works, that I am selling at a reduced price – a one day offer!
If you are interested in the works and prices, please contact me through mariepop2016 @ gmail. com, or check out my instagram.
I hope to see you Sunday 25 August from 14 til 17 h (2 – 5 pm)

Unfortunately, due to flu and covid, we are forced to cancel the upcoming opening of the exhibition ‘Kill your darlings’ by Marie Pop at Foundation B.a.d, which was scheduled for tomorrow (Friday 19 July). The Summer Studio Sale that day is also postponed.

The exhibition ‘Kill your darlings’ is on show 24/7 in the window displays of Foudation B.a.d until 25 August, so fortunately you do not have to miss out on the artworks. If you additionally would like to visit the exhibition in honour of the Summer Studio Sale in the B.a.d central hall, please contact Marie Pop to make an appointment through mariepop2016@gmail.com. Marie Pop will continue to showcase the available works online as well, through instagram (@mariepop_theartist) and her website (www.mariepop.nl)

Instead of an opening event, we shall host a finissage on Sunday 25 August from 14 – 17 h. The Summer Studio Sale will also take place then. You are cordially invited to raise a glass with us!

Our apologies for any inconveniences caused, we hope to see you soon at B.a.d

Helaas moeten wij vanwege griep en covid de voor morgen (vrijdag 19 juli) geplande opening van de expositie ‘Kill your darlings’ van Marie Pop bij Stichting B.a.d annuleren. Ook de geplande Summer Studio Sale is uitgesteld.

De tentoonstelling ‘Kill your darlings’ is tot en met 25 augustus 24 uur per dag te zien in de raamvitrines van Stichting B.a.d, dus deze kunstwerken zijn gewoon te bezichtingen. Wie aanvullend de tentoonstelling ter ere van de Summer Studio Sale in de centrale hal van B.a.d wil bezichtigen, kan dit op afspraak met Marie Pop doen. Stuur hiervoor een email naar mariepop2016@gmail.com. Marie Pop zal de beschikbare werken blijven uitlichten via instagram (@mariepop_theartist) en via haar website (www.mariepop.nl)

In plaats van een opening, zullen wij een finissage organiseren op zondag 25 augustus tussen 14 en 17 uur. Ook vindt dan de Summer Studio Sale plaats. Wees van harte welkom dan het glas met ons te heffen!

Onze excuses voor eventueel ongemak, en tot snel bij Stichting B.a.d

On Friday 19 July my exhibition ‘Kill your darlings’ in the window gallery of Foundation B.a.d will be officially opened. Join me at B.a.d for some art and drinks, hopefully the sun will be out!

Additionally, I will host a small Summer Sale in the B.a.d central hall. Some older works will be on sale for very friendly prices, all in order to make some space and money to invest in a new series of works.

The opening and sale will only last from 17 – 19 h on Friday 19 July 2024, so make sure not to miss it!
Can’t make it, but would you still like to know more? Contact me through mariepop2016 (at) gmail (dot) com – and keep an eye on my instagram account: mariepop_theartist. See you soon!